Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Is There A Connection Between Spirituality And A Global Financial Meltdown?

Money and God: are they connected?

I was sitting at home watching one of the TV news magazine shows and they were talking about the global economic meltdown that had occurred over the previous few years.

They detailed how we literally were days away from a complete collapse in which consumers would be unable to withdraw money from their banks; how there wouldn’t be funds for businesses to make payroll; how all financial systems worldwide would screech to a halt.

I’m watching this, thinking to myself, how the hell did this happen?  Whose fault was it?  Was this the work of George Bush?  Does fault lay back further, for example, Bill Clinton?  George Bush, Sr.?  Or even Ronald Reagan?

See an Example of the Top 25
So I began, in earnest, to research the causes of the meltdown.  And the more I peeled back a layer, the further back it took me.  And then I discovered something even more fascinating.  The causes of the entire global economic meltdown could be explained, and easily understood, by anyone who has studied Kabbalah.

I know…it sounds crazy.  Is that really possible?  What is Kabbalah anyway?  In one sentence, Kabbalah are the non-physical laws of the universe. The Kabbalistic laws that I will discuss in relation to the global economic meltdown are:

1) the desire to receive for the self alone
2) planting seeds and the disconnect caused by time, space and motion

7) and the reality of the 1% versus the 99%.

In order to understand current events, we need to focus on past events and in this particular case, the history of Kabbalistic principles.

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