Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Bank lobbying funds to forestall Dodd/Frank has now reached $1 billion!
Since the middle of 2011, when gold was at its zenith, the price of gold has
declined 25%. On April 23, 2013, the price of gold had its largest one day dip in
thirty-three years when it dropped $140 an ounce. Another bubble burst??
To date, not a single senior Wall Street executive has been held criminally liable
by the Department of Justice, for activities related to the financial crisis, despite
ample evidence to at least proffer a criminal indictment.
It is now estimated that more than half of the U.S. population will experience
poverty during their lifetime.
A January 2014 report from the non-profit organization, Oxfam International,
stated that the world’s richest 85 people now have the same amount of wealth ($1.7
trillion) as the bottom half of the world’s population combined (that’s 3.5 billion

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